+233 20 449 3917

Members of Parliament serve in diverse capacities and the Library of the Parliament of Ghana takes this into account in its aim to provide ideal services.

  Provide Diverse Information

The Library is set up to provide Members with the requisite information needed to participate meaningfully and effectively in debates on many issues that come before the House.

  Parliamentary knowledgebase

The Library is both special and general in the provision of information. Special because it is at times required to make available customised information to Parliamentary Committees and individual Hon. Members. It is general because Hon. Members as stated earlier are generalists. They can be asked to solve problems, both in the House and in the constituency, on any subject that arises - it could be on the provision of education, lack of roads, or pollution among many others.

  Exhaustive Coverage

The information found in the Library, therefore, covers a wide spectrum of subjects. These include; law, political science, human rights, economics, international affairs, tourism and agriculture. The Library also specializes in information on Ghana including its history and present position.

  Records Processing & Storage

The Library Department is responsible for the acquisition, processing storage and dissemination of books, pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals in whatever format; also for the preservation and indexing of all Parliamentary papers and of many other official publications, national and international; and for the maintenance of specialized indexing.

  A Research Partner

The Library provides active and dynamic information research and bibliographic services, acquires and organizes materials; disseminates value added information and provides specialized information services to MPs, Research Assistants, External researchers and Staff. It also acquires, organizes, and maintains literature and other information materials pertinent to legislative activities. Its goal is to provide services to meet the information and knowledge needs of the Speaker, Members, Committees and Staff of Parliament.